It is with regret that the website will be CLOSED on the 1st June 2024.
There will be no further updates made to the site.
I want to thank everyone who has used this website to find whisky information, unfortunately the whisky database is coming to an end. Thank You
Mark (admin)

Value Score Calculator

(0 Votes)


Whisky Value Score Image

Creating a value score calculator has been something of a challenge, however, we now have a working page.

IF your calculating for either:

OR any whisky younger than 8 Year Old, then please enter the age as 8.

This is due to how the value score calculation works, for the purposes of the algorithm, any whisky which is less than 8 Year Old or a None Age Statement must be entered as 8 Years.

Finally the price field has to be in whole £ for this purpose we recommend rounding up or down to the nearest whole £ (its a glitch in the matrix)

(based on analysis & research of whisky data. We are monitoring for the purposes of future adjustments)

Value Score Calculator

The Calculator


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